Dr. Nuti is dedicated to providing high-quality compassionate care for her patients to endure an active and healthy lifestyle. Click on the below tabs to learn more about her services.
InjuriesMusculoskeletal injuries are any injuries causing damage to bone, cartilage, muscles, ligaments, tendons, nerves and related structures.
CareA bone fracture is a medical condition in which a bone is cracked or broken. It is a break in the continuity of the bone. While many fractures are the result
Pediatric Sports
InjuriesEncouraging your children to participate in sports and other physical activities keeps them active and alert. Sports improve a child’s body growth and mental wellbeing.
Sports Concussions & Management
Concussion, also known as minor traumatic brain injury, is the sudden and temporary loss or disturbance in nerve cell function of the brain that occurs as a result
Lumbar Epidural
Steroid InjectionsAn epidural spinal injection is a non-surgical treatment option for relieving back pain. Your doctor usually suggests a non-surgical method to treat back pain
Arthritis Treatment & Management
Osteoarthritis also called degenerative joint disease, is the most common form of arthritis. It occurs most often in older people.
Tenex Procedure for
Chronic Tendon PainTenex, also known as percutaneous tenotomy, is a minimally invasive procedure that uses ultrasonic energy to treat chronic tendon pain by the precise targeting
Hormone Replacement
Hormone replacement therapy also known as bio-identical hormone replacement therapy is an integral part of the age management program.
TreatmentA headache is localized or radiating pain in one or more regions of your head. The frequency may be occasional and of short-duration,
If you wish to be advised on the most appropriate treatment, please call (469) 430-9380 to schedule an appointment or click here to request an appointment online.